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Michal Husak

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Posted on Wednesday, January 03, 2001 - 4:07 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post

I have found at folowing
link to stereographic product anouncment ...

They speak about software enabling stereoscopy
under Win 98 under moust graphic card shiped
with the glasses. Does anybody have an idea what are they sepaking about ? Some new sort of drivers ?
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Dick Shafer

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Posted on Wednesday, January 03, 2001 - 8:27 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post


This system from Stereographics works by drivers that convert the opengl commands to DirectX and this is how they can provide stereo for most any application running under Windows 98 using most any type of recent graphics card. Since Windows NT does not usually come with DirectX support, these drivers will not work with Windows NT. The shutter glasses will, however, if you have a "stereo-ready" graphics card and the appropriate stereo driver for it.
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Olivier Benoit

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Posted on Thursday, January 04, 2001 - 9:33 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post

Stereographics is using a licensed version of
scitech gldirect 2.
I tried it with a firegl pro + revelator on din3connector with no luck winme did crash
almost every time i started a stereogl apps.
After that i took a 32mb geforce and a pair of simuleyes out of retirement.
With this combination i can almost any stereogl
with no problems at 1024*768 32bits or
1280*1024 16bits stereogl(quad buffers) uses a lot off video memory
The only trouble i had so far is winme crashing after exiting one application.
The stereoapps seems to run faster under winnt with the firegl.
Guess i will try to make an adaptator to use the revelator glasses with the simuleyes dongle.
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Michal Husak

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Posted on Friday, January 05, 2001 - 11:24 am:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post

Oliver Benoit: Does it mean that the gldirect
extend the normal OpenGl drivers under Win 98
or Win Me to modes enabling PFD_STERO in Pixelformatdescriptor ? Does it menat that stereoscopic aplications based on OpenGL stereoscopic output culd now run under Win 9x ?
Colud you, please, try to run WebLabViewer
available for free from WWW.MSI.COM or some of
the GLUT based HW page flipping codes from my WWW
( and let me know if it works ?
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Olivier Benoit

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Posted on Friday, January 05, 2001 - 7:52 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post

Michal,gldirect is a wrapper translating opengl calls into directx calls.
And yes! you can run glut based stereoapps fullscreen or windowed under Win Me.I tried the glut demos (skyfly,gears,ideas) that where ported to stereo some time ago by Dave Milici.
more details later.
P.S. As far as i know Scitech never officially released gldirect 2.
I did try a 21days beta wich supported many stereo gears.
I am testing the stereographics release wich only support stereographics hardware.
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Olivier Benoit

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Posted on Friday, January 05, 2001 - 11:18 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post

Gldirect2 part 2

Gldirect 2 a mesa based opengl driver wich
translate(some ?)opengl calls into directx calls.
Some steroapps do not work correctly at first but after a few experiment with the resolution and color depth most apps run o.k. ( quad buffers and z -buffers eat a lot of video memory).
All apps start after a few seconds (3 to 10 seconds,video mode changing?).
I think the peoples at scitech did a real great job with this version of gldirect.
If only they would realease gldirect2 officialy.
Tested so far:
glutdemos (stereo version by Dave Milici)
all run o.k. exept newquad:
newquad.exe (maybe glaux based)

elsa gloria xl demos run o.k.:
great demos as they give a lot of details about your open gl driver
stereo.exe comand line based .obj stereoviewer

vmd 1.3,1.4,1.5 run o.k
Weblabviewer should work o.k. as it is included
on stereographics driver cd.

suddendepth2.1 stereoviewer (opengl stereo quadbuffering) runs o.k.

Michal jps viewer starts o.k. but only gives a blank screen

non stereo opengl tested (in stereo)
cosmo vrml viewer crashed win Me (iexplorer)
glview stand alone vrml viewer works o.k.
Next week i will try to test acad2000 in stereo.
What is next? maybe 64 mb graphic card.
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Michal Husak

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Posted on Saturday, January 06, 2001 - 5:33 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post

:( . My stereoviewer gives black screen :( .
It is probably becouse it activate OpenGL via
custom made module for Visual Basic and not
throw C .
Could you, please, let me know, where is it possible to obtained the Dave Milici modified
GLUT stereo demos ?
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Olivier Benoit

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Posted on Saturday, January 06, 2001 - 8:07 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post

Michal ,i think you are interested in the source code of the stereo demos.
The easyest way to obtain it is to mail Dave Milici.
This is the u.r.l. from his site.

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