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Posted on Wednesday, February 04, 2004 - 10:39 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post

I have this card which I have been planning on using for 3D experimentation on my Linux box. It was manufactured by VisionTek. I have an HMD (CyberEye CE-200M) which uses a composite video input.

I was thinking about using an AverKey iMicro I own, which works well - but I know that VisionTek made a version of the GeForce II that supported TV-out. My own card has a hole (and solder pads) for what appears to be a SVideo connector. I am not sure if other parts are missing or not (such as any SMT caps or such for video signal interfacing).

I tried to get the information out of VisionTek, but they wouldn't budge on letting me know how or if it was possible...

Has anyone here ever converted such a card (or any other card) to "re-engineer" the TV-out option? I am comfortable with doing this kind of work, so soldering, etc is no problem. Would it be better for me to ditch this card and buy one that does?

If anyone has any info, contact me via my website - Thank you!

Andrew L. Ayers

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